Sunday, December 29, 2013

Adventures in Autism: New Years To Do: Opt Out of Your State Vaccine Database

Adventures in Autism: New Years To Do: Opt Out of Your State Vaccine Database:

While no one was noticing... all fifty states set up databases of who has and has not been vaccinated with what.  And yes you and your kids are probably in there. 

"Ginger, that's crazy!  We have medical privacy... surely that would violate our privacy rights!"

"Wake up and smell the 1984," I say.

Here is the CDC's master list of all the state databases: CDC Immunization Information Systems (IIS)

Here is my state's information on the program:  ImmPact:  Maine Immunization Information System

Here is what the program is for:
Intent:  The Immunization Information System is intended to be a repository for accurate and up to date immunization records for all persons born, residing, or receiving vaccine in the State of Maine. The primary purpose of the system is to collect data related to vaccine administration, and to promote effective and cost efficient prevention of vaccine preventable diseases.
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