I will be your voice!

To the world, you are just one, but to me you are the world.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Life With Autism: In their Own words!Sam Wessels♥

This video published on CNN as part of their autism awareness series this month, features kids on the autism spectrum, talking about what is like to have autism. At first glance if you are a cynic like me, you might think.....____Ahhhh, not another fluff piece!!

Not so fast! One of the kids in the video is a really special little boy, because he couldn't always communicate and in fact didn't answer to his name, couldn't sleep through the night, etc. His name is Sam Wessels and he is the one with red hair, who appears twice in the vídeo. His mom and dad worked very hard to get him where he is at today and we should all be proud of them and of Sam who can now give a voice to those kids who don't a voice, other then through their parents.

The video is all positive, which can be disheartening to parents with children on the severe side of the spectrum, but remember that we don't know the story behind each person on that video, as is the case with Sam. If you didn't know his history, you would think he was always like you see in the video, but he worked very hard to get to this point. Recovery is different for everyone and it's important to understand that, so lets give a round of applause to Sam, because he earned it!♥

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