The Lancet should Reinstate the Andrew Wakefield Paper - AGE OF AUTISM: "
In the wake of the High Court judgment on Professor John Walker-Smith’s appeal against the decision of the General Medical Council (the UK regulatory body for doctors) to delicense him, what should now happen to the retracted paper he co-authored with Dr Andrew Wakefield? The decision lies with The Lancet editor, Dr Richard Horton. But what are the grounds for reinstating the paper as a properly conducted clinical investigation into 12 children with autism and bowel disease admitted to the paediatric gastroenterology department at the Royal Free Hospital (RFH) London in the mid-1990s? The paper was the focus of the GMC’s trial of the three senior authors on charges of serious professional misconduct which led to the delicensing of Walker-Smith and Wakefield."
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If your child developed Autism, shortly after vaccinations and you are angry, you are not alone!
I will be your voice!
To the world, you are just one, but to me you are the world.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Jason McElwain's memorable game tore down autism stereotypes - ESPNHS
Jason McElwain's memorable game tore down autism stereotypes - ESPNHS: "It took four minutes for Jason McElwain to become a star.
Shaking off stereotypes that come with having autism, the Greece Athena (Rochester, N.Y.) team manager got his chance to enter a game on Feb. 15, 2006, and immediately felt "hot as a pistol." He drained six 3-pointers en route to 20 points in a performance that quickly went viral.
He garnered praise from President George W. Bush and Peyton Manning, among others. McElwain's scoring outburst was honored as the "Best Moment in Sports" at the ESPYs. More importantly, it opened numerous doors for McElwain to raise awareness about autism through speaking engagements, TV appearances and his book, "The Game of My Life.""
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Shaking off stereotypes that come with having autism, the Greece Athena (Rochester, N.Y.) team manager got his chance to enter a game on Feb. 15, 2006, and immediately felt "hot as a pistol." He drained six 3-pointers en route to 20 points in a performance that quickly went viral.
He garnered praise from President George W. Bush and Peyton Manning, among others. McElwain's scoring outburst was honored as the "Best Moment in Sports" at the ESPYs. More importantly, it opened numerous doors for McElwain to raise awareness about autism through speaking engagements, TV appearances and his book, "The Game of My Life.""
'via Blog this' Aware to Care Aware to Care: "AutismAid national service support umbrella organization is an autism service community baseline safety net entity that offers best practice aggregation, regional non profit recognition and financial assistance and grant programs. Working together with established national, regional and local nonprofit service organizations to specifically fill in gaps of service and critical needs. AutismAid will serve organizations based and serving the population in the United States of America. AutismAid seeks to end discrimination that is occurring due to ethnicity, geographic location and Socioeconomic status."
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Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s Co-Author on Controversial Lancet “MMR Paper” Exonerated of All Charges of Professional Misconduct

Walker-Smith won his appeal today against the United Kingdom’s General Medical Council regulatory board that had ruled against both him and Andrew Wakefield for their roles in the 1998 Lancet MMR paper, which raised questions about a link to autism. The complete victory means that Walker-Smith has been returned to the status of a fully licensed physician in the UK, although he had already retired in 2001 — six years before the GMC trial even began.
Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s Co-Author on Controversial Lancet “MMR Paper” Exonerated of All Charges of Professional Misconduct:
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Parents Of Special Needs Child Say Their Boy Was Restrained « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth
The parents of a special needs child say their 10-year-old was restrained on the school bus on the way home.
They say they want to know why a supervisor put their son Lukas Hines in a choke hold and wouldn’t let him go to his mother. For four minutes the struggle continued between the Durham School Services supervisor and Lukas and his mother.
Anna Hines recorded what happened on her iPhone.
Parents Of Special Needs Child Say Their Boy Was Restrained « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth:
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Sunday, April 22, 2012
Was Dr. Andrew Wakefield Right After All? |
Was Dr. Andrew Wakefield Right After All? | "Maybe those who were quick to professionally eviscerate Dr. Wakefield ought to listen up to what’s breaking in cutting-edge scientific research regarding autism and intestinal/gut problems associated with children on the autism spectrum.
January 10, 2012, the American Society for Microbiology published what I consider a stunning report, “Application of Novel PCR-Based Methods for Detection, Quantitation, and Phylogenetic Characterization of Sutterella Species in Intestinal Biopsy Samples from Children with Autism and Gastrointestinal Disturbances” authored by researchers at the Center for Infection and Immunity, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York City—not in some foreign country. [1]"
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January 10, 2012, the American Society for Microbiology published what I consider a stunning report, “Application of Novel PCR-Based Methods for Detection, Quantitation, and Phylogenetic Characterization of Sutterella Species in Intestinal Biopsy Samples from Children with Autism and Gastrointestinal Disturbances” authored by researchers at the Center for Infection and Immunity, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York City—not in some foreign country. [1]"
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Judicial Watch Uncovers FDA Gardasil Records Detailing 26 New Reported Deaths | Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch Uncovers FDA Gardasil Records Detailing 26 New Reported Deaths | Judicial Watch: "Washington, DC — October 19, 2011
Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has received new documents from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), detailing reports of adverse reactions to the vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), Gardasil. The adverse reaction reports detail 26 new deaths reported between September 1, 2010 and September 15, 2011 as well as incidents of seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short term memory loss and Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The documents come from the FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which is used by the FDA to monitor the safety of vaccines. The documents were obtained pursuant to a September 15, 2011 FOIA request for reports made from September 1, 2010 through September 15, 2011."
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Judicial Watch, the public interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption, announced today that it has received new documents from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), detailing reports of adverse reactions to the vaccination for human papillomavirus (HPV), Gardasil. The adverse reaction reports detail 26 new deaths reported between September 1, 2010 and September 15, 2011 as well as incidents of seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short term memory loss and Guillain-Barré Syndrome. The documents come from the FDA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) which is used by the FDA to monitor the safety of vaccines. The documents were obtained pursuant to a September 15, 2011 FOIA request for reports made from September 1, 2010 through September 15, 2011."
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Deadly Inoculations with Dr. Andrew Wakefield 1/2 - YouTube
Deadly Inoculations with Dr. Andrew Wakefield 1/2 - YouTube: "The smoking-gun evidence
Professor Walker-Smith's 1996 presentation at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School was entitled, "Entero-colitis and Disintegrative Disorder Following MMR - A Review of the First Seven Cases.""
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Vaccine Safety Conference Session 15 Dr. Andrew Wakefield - YouTube
Vaccine Safety Conference Session 15 Dr. Andrew Wakefield - YouTube: "
Andrew Wakefield, MB, BS, FRCS, FRCPath
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The Greater Good Movie Trailer-Vaccines - YouTube
The Greater Good Movie Trailer - YouTube: "
THE GREATER GOOD looks behind the fear, hype and politics that have polarized the vaccine debate in America today. The film re-frames the emotionally charged issue and offers, for the first time, the opportunity for a rational and scientific discussion on how to create a safer and more effective vaccine program.".....If that is even possible!
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Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Vax’d/Unvaxx’d Study Already Completed? | V.I.R.A.L.S. Epidemic
In 1889, Queen Victoria commissioned a group of “eight of the most distinguished medical men of England and quite a number of eminent men in other professions”, led by Prof. Alfred Russel Wallace, L.L.D.. F.R.S., to: “investigate the effect of vaccination.”
The town of Leicester had been hit extremely hard by small pox in 1872 at a point when the vaccination rate was very high. The doctors of Leicester had “so overdone the business of coercive vaccination, and public prosecution, that the public arose en masse in open revolt against the propagation of the vaccinator’s poison” and quickly became a town where vaccination was refused in such great numbers that the vaccination rate fell to 0.01% by the time the commission began studying the smallpox rates.
This is when Professor Wallace and his team of experts began to utilize their statistical expertise and decided to look at Leicester as an unvaccinated city and compare them with the English Army and Navy that were heavily vaccinated with repeated injections. What they found was staggering and evidence of the first vax’d / unvax’d study is written down here in this publication for posterity.
“Professor Wallace produces official statements which verify his affirmation that, the town of Leicester is, and has been for more than twenty years, the least vaccinated town in the kingdom.” The average population from 1873 to 1894 was about two-thirds of that of the army and navy of that period, yet the small pox deaths in the army and navy were 37 per million. Those of Leicester were well under 15 per million.
Wallace declares that “It is not possible to have a more complete and crucial test than this is, and it absolutely demonstrates the utter uselessness, or worse than uselessness, of re-vaccinating.” Armed with this information and obviously interested in further study of this anomaly, Wallace goes on to compare Leicester with other towns in Great Britain that are highly vaccinated. The town of Birmingham had more than 30 times the vaccination rate as Leicester with the following results:
1891 – 94
Per 10,000 population Leicester Birmingham
Smallpox cases 19 63
Smallpox deaths 1 5
Vax’d/Unvaxx’d Study Already Completed? | V.I.R.A.L.S. Epidemic:
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‘Legal’ Kidnapping By The State To Cover Up Vaccine Injuries | V.I.R.A.L.S. Epidemic
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP) is a fanciful diagnosis based on the fictional character Baron Munchausen. Baron Munchausen is said to have enjoyed a series of supposed travels and fantastical experiences with his band of misfits. It seems fitting that Meadow used this particular fictional storybook character to name this new syndrome.
This diagnosis is now being attached to parents and care givers to describe aspects of their behavior which usually includes subjecting what appears to be a previously healthy child to unnecessary and often painful tests or medical interventions i.e. scans, x-rays and even surgical procedures to gain what Meadow describes as attention from the medical profession.
I now believe that there is more to Meadow’s diagnosis than meets the eye. I say this because government papers have come to light proving that Meadow had ties to big pharma (2) and that he was attending government meetings discussing adverse reactions to vaccines from 1987-1991. In fact these documents prove that Meadow not only attended meetings on vaccinations but was advising committee members on the subjects of the yellow card reporting system, anaphylaxis, seizures and cot death and had even contributed to vaccination guidelines. (3) It was not long after these meetings that the largest vaccine cover up the world has ever seen began. Suddenly thousands of parents all over the world were accused of MSBP after their children had suffered a vaccine injury.
A make believe name had become a make believe disorder to enable professionals to pin the blame of vaccine induced injuries onto the shoulders of innocent parents.
‘Legal’ Kidnapping By The State To Cover Up Vaccine Injuries | V.I.R.A.L.S. Epidemic:
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Emergency Action Alert for Californians! The American Academy of Pediatrics is about to take away your right to file a philosophical vaccine exemption with out getting THEIR PERMISSION FIRST!
The American Academy of Pediatrics is about to take away your right to file a philosophical vaccine exemption with out getting THEIR PERMISSION FIRST!
Pediatrician Richard Pan has introduced his bill to require to you PAY a doctor to sign your vaccine exemption before you will be ALLOWED to file it for your child to attend school. He has stopped responding to questions from Californians on this, but instead has referred them to the CEO of the California chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, who initially bragged about being a "co-sponsor" of this bill, yet is also now refusing to take our questions!
How is it that the AAP has seat on the California Assembly?! Did you vote for them to make governmental decisions for you?
This has now become a partisan issue, with all the Republicans on the committee protecting your right to your vaccine exemption, and all the Democrats looking to pass Pan's unconstitutional bill.
Emergency Action Alert for Californians!:
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A heart shattered by a glimpse into autism -
As a parent of a teenager with autism, I often think about his future without me to watch over him. The thought of him in an institution makes me flinch, but it's probably where he may end up, when I'm no longer in this world, no matter how much I may want something better, not anyone can take the daily task of watching over a person with autism. It takes guts and unconditional love. The thought of him on the streets is not something I worry about, because he is so severe he would always have to be taken care of one on one. What will the future hold for these souls who will be coming of age in droves, in the coming years? Will they end up like the man in the following story-alone, homeless, forgotten and mistreated by society?
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I pulled into the parking lot of the store and found a spot right in front of the entrance. I sat there for a few minutes, collecting what I needed to take in.
As I reached over to the passenger seat to grab my wallet, I glanced over at the car next to me through the passenger window and saw three people who were loading their groceries into their car. I also saw a large man standing there, reaching over the hood of their car. He was wiping the snow and ice off the car's windshield with his bare hands.
The owner of the vehicle looked at him with an icy stare that seemed to say, "How dare you touch my car."
She seemed disgusted just breathing the same air as the man cleaning her windshield. Instead of asking him to stop or giving him a few dollars, she quickly climbed into her car and gunned the car forward so fast the man was knocked back.
A heart shattered by a glimpse into autism - 'via Blog this'
Friday, April 13, 2012
Activist Post: Video of Boy Shocked 31 Times For Not Removing Coat Finally Released
Heather Callaghan
Activist Post
“I never signed up for him to be tortured, terrorized and abused,” Cheryl McCollins told a jury on Tuesday. “I had no idea, no idea, that they tortured the children in the school.”
In February, we reported Ms. McCollins' plight and her calling for the public viewing of startling footage of her then 18 year-old son, Andre, receiving 31 electroshocks at Judge Rotenburg Center for the disabled (JRC) for not removing his jacket.
In 2002, Andre, now 27, had been zapped, restrained, sprawled out face down with a helmet, and shocked another 30 times anytime he flinched or screamed out in pain. The aversive shock "treatment" continued all day with no food, water, or bathroom breaks.
When Cheryl visited her son, he was unresponsive and later rushed to the hospital where he was diagnosed with acute stress response.
McCollins is suing Canton, MA-based JRC and calling the treatment torture. Cheryl wanted the public to see this "therapy" as an unacceptable act of torture.
Of course, JRC fought vigorously to block the video release. A new Superior Court Judge on the case, Judge Barbara Dortch-Okara, refused JRC's repeated request allowing public-court viewing for the first time.
Cheryl also testified that the staff members were laughing as Andre was shocked.
Activist Post: Video of Boy Shocked 31 Times For Not Removing Coat Finally Released:
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Activist Post
“I never signed up for him to be tortured, terrorized and abused,” Cheryl McCollins told a jury on Tuesday. “I had no idea, no idea, that they tortured the children in the school.”
In February, we reported Ms. McCollins' plight and her calling for the public viewing of startling footage of her then 18 year-old son, Andre, receiving 31 electroshocks at Judge Rotenburg Center for the disabled (JRC) for not removing his jacket.
In 2002, Andre, now 27, had been zapped, restrained, sprawled out face down with a helmet, and shocked another 30 times anytime he flinched or screamed out in pain. The aversive shock "treatment" continued all day with no food, water, or bathroom breaks.
When Cheryl visited her son, he was unresponsive and later rushed to the hospital where he was diagnosed with acute stress response.
McCollins is suing Canton, MA-based JRC and calling the treatment torture. Cheryl wanted the public to see this "therapy" as an unacceptable act of torture.
Of course, JRC fought vigorously to block the video release. A new Superior Court Judge on the case, Judge Barbara Dortch-Okara, refused JRC's repeated request allowing public-court viewing for the first time.
Cheryl also testified that the staff members were laughing as Andre was shocked.
Activist Post: Video of Boy Shocked 31 Times For Not Removing Coat Finally Released:
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Adventures in Autism: Autism Chair Thomas Insel Refuses to Ride in an Elevator With an Autistic Child

On April 17, 2007, Holly Bortfeld attended an autism hearing in the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee run by Senator Tom Harkin. At that hearing Dr. Thomas Insel, Director of the National Institute of Mental Health, now current head of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, was there to testify.
Beforehand, Ms. Bortfeld, was waiting with her 11 year old son Max, who has autism, at an elevator on the way up to the hearing. When the doors opened they got on. After they did, Thomas Insel and a female companion approached and entered the elevator just before the doors closed. Ms. Bortfeld reports that once they were on the elevator together...
"...Max stimmed. Insel looked at him, looked at me (yes, he had his little name tag on, so he knew that I knew he was) then he hit the open door button and ushered his coworker off. As the doors were closing, he said "I'm not riding up with them", looking at my son."
The head of the National Institutes of Mental Health refused to ride an elevator with a child with mental health issues.
...again for clarity and perspective on this episode...
The chair of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee will not share an elevator with a child with autism, on the way into an autism hearing.
This odious behavior is not one of a healer committed to the well being of the disadvantaged or disabled, it is the behavior of a bigot.Adventures in Autism: Autism Chair Thomas Insel Refuses to Ride in an Elevator With an Autistic Child:
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Friday, April 6, 2012
Life With Autism: In their Own words!Sam Wessels♥

Not so fast! One of the kids in the video is a really special little boy, because he couldn't always communicate and in fact didn't answer to his name, couldn't sleep through the night, etc. His name is Sam Wessels and he is the one with red hair, who appears twice in the vídeo. His mom and dad worked very hard to get him where he is at today and we should all be proud of them and of Sam who can now give a voice to those kids who don't a voice, other then through their parents.
The video is all positive, which can be disheartening to parents with children on the severe side of the spectrum, but remember that we don't know the story behind each person on that video, as is the case with Sam. If you didn't know his history, you would think he was always like you see in the video, but he worked very hard to get to this point. Recovery is different for everyone and it's important to understand that, so lets give a round of applause to Sam, because he earned it!♥
Related articles
- Local Organization ResearchesTreatment For Autism (
- Why we're changing autism diagnosis (
- Doctors want to redefine autism; parents worried - San Francisco Chronicle (
- How girls and boys differ when it comes to autism - CNN (
- Assignment: Life with autism: Share your story on April 2 - CNN (
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
"Artist Vincent Van Gogh Was Heavy Metal Poisoned, Not Crazy nor Autistic"
I have heard for years that Vincent Van Gogh wasn't crazy, that he was autistic. As it turns out he wasn't autistic nor crazy. As Dr. Adrienne Sprouse found he was poisoned by the heavy metal fumes in the paints he used to create his masterpieces.
Oil painting takes a long time to dry, even years and in fact there are paintings from the middle ages that underneath the layers, have been found to still be wet. Imagine being in a confined space breathing the vapors like Vincent did in his little room filled with fresh paintings.
Van Gogh is considered the greatest Dutch painter after Rembrandt. He produced all of his work (some 900 paintings and 1100 drawings) during a period of only 10 years before he succumbed to mental illness (or was it). In his last 70 days of life, he did a painting a day. People like to romanticize everything and lie to themselves by saying that Van Gogh was a great artist who had autism, but he didn't, he was poisoned! He was a great artist, not because of his illness, but in spite of it.
Now imagine all those heavy metals, arsenic, led, cadmium, mercury, aluminum, that Van Gogh was exposed to, are used today in vaccines. Then we wonder why Alzheimer is going up at the same rate as Autism and 50% of American children are diagnosed with a learning disability and why the autism rate keeps going up each year, with 1 in 88 children and 1 in 54 boys being diagnosed at the current rate. It is estimated that by the year 2022, 1 in 9 American children will develop autism.
"Passion and Poison - The Vindication of Vincent Van Gogh"
"There has been much speculation regarding the 37 year life of painter Vincent Van Gogh and just as much controversy and discussion surrounding the circumstances and illness that lead to his demise. For the first time, over 120 years after his first admission to a hospital, Dr. Adrienne Sprouse, a 21st century physician takes on this 19th century patient. After years of exhaustive research and as one of the leading Environmental Medicine physicians in the world, Dr. Sprouse is able to make the provocative statement "I know why Vincent Van Gogh died. He wasn't crazy." And she can prove it".
"Passion and Poison - The Vindication of Vincent Van Gogh" Pitch Piece from Passion And Poison on Vimeo.
"Passion and Poison - The Vindication of Vincent Van Gogh" Pitch Piece on Vimeo:
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Adrienne Sprouse,
heavy metal poisoned,
mercury poisoning,
not autistic,
not bipolar,
not crazy,
Vincent Van Gogh
Monday, April 2, 2012
World Autism Day: Light it Up Black and Blue? - AGE OF AUTISM
Today was a day filled with fluff pieces about autism, but I have nothing to celebrate. Lets face it....autism sucks any way you look at it.
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